Missions Filters
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. – Acts 1:8 (NIV)
- Target – Consider what members will be encouraged to serve and how they will be motivated to participate.
- Goals & Purpose – Identify the Great Commission purpose of the ministry activity (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, ends of the earth).
- Measures & Success – Outline how many will pray for, give to and participate in missions and how the gospel will be shared.
- Follow-Up – Design a follow-on strategy and define how this contributes to an ongoing missions plan (in specific Acts 1:8 areas).
Missions Strategy Examples
Meet material and physical needs in Collierville as an avenue for sharing Christ with people in need.
- CLOTHES CLOSET – Use the community clothes closet to meet the physical needs of low-income residents.
- Promotion – Promote the church’s clothes closet among community social workers, high school guidance counselors and the local police force.
- Sharing – Share printed tracts and a verbal testimony with each person who uses the clothes closet ministry. Track sharing results each week.
- YMCA SUMMER CAMP – Serve as host of the summer YMCA camp as a means of ministering to community children and their families.
- Summer Connections – Provide multiple opportunities for YMCA children to participate in church camps, Vacation Bible School and recreation programs.
- Follow-Up – Distribute children’s ministry flyers to YMCA camp children at the end of summer camp. The goal of these efforts is to connect YMCA families with church ministries.
- BENEVOLENCE MINISTRY – Offer food and benevolence help to needy people in our community and use ministry opportunities for spiritual counseling and tract distribution.
- STUDENT CAN DRIVE – Employ middle and high school students in annual community door-to-door can drives during the Student DisipleNow weekend to resupply the Collierville food bank (February 14).
Reach the people of Memphis with needs-based contextual ministries and new church plants.
- MEMPHIS FCA MINISTRY – Assist inner city high school football and basketball teams with equipment, annual camps and other support as a means to meet material needs and share the gospel.
- MEMPHIS MINISTRY CENTER & CHURCH PLANT – Support and resource a mid-town Ministry Center and church plant for the people of Memphis.
- FCA Events – Conduct football and basketball FCA events at the Ministry Center to build relationships between center volunteers and the local community.
- Funding – Support the Ministry Center and church plant with a $500 per month supplement to the salary of the on-site director/pastor (beginning April 2010).
- Volunteers – Provide weekly tutoring services and job training workshops with church volunteers at the Ministry Center. Set the goal of 25 church volunteers serving at the Ministry Center.
- EAST SHELBY COUNTY CHURCH PLANT – Support a church planting effort in eastern Shelby County with financial, leadership and mentoring resources.
- Sponsorship – Serve as lead sponsor church of the east Shelby County church plant and support the church planter’s efforts to secure additional funding through associational, state and national channels.
- Support – Resource the east Shelby County church planter with office space and support.
- Funding – Support the east Shelby County church planter with a $500 per month supplement to his salary (beginning April 2010).
- JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI MISSION TRIP – Lead senior adults in the church to take their first Spring mission trip (May 11-13, 2010).
- Mission Team – Promote a Spring mission trip to adults 55+ with an emphasis on ministry to needy families, neglected nursing homes and local church revitalization. Set the goal of 35 senior adults serving on the mission team.
- Ministry Focus – Plan multiple opportunities for the Adults 55+ Sweet Memories Choir to minister to other senior adults. Coordinate outreach and benevolence missions work with Jackson FBC’s downtown ministry center.
- ASSOCIATIONAL MISSIONS SUPPORT – Support local Mid-South Baptist Association (MSBA) ministry and church revitalization work.
- Prayer – Ask God’s 300 Prayer Teams to pray for specific MSBA prayer requests through their monthly prayer E-newsletter.
- Funding – Support MSBA work with 2% of budget receipts and 10% of world mission offering receipts.