Missions Filters
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. – Acts 1:8 (NIV)
- Target – Consider what members will be encouraged to serve and how they will be motivated to participate.
- Goals & Purpose – Identify the Great Commission purpose of the ministry activity (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, ends of the earth).
- Measures & Success – Outline how many will pray for, give to and participate in missions and how the gospel will be shared.
- Follow-Up – Design a follow-on strategy and define how this contributes to an ongoing missions plan (in specific Acts 1:8 areas).
Missions Strategy Examples
Reach people in Pickering, Ajax and Scarborough, Ontario with a strategic church plant that becomes a catalyst for additional churches and ministry in the Durham region. Reach the rest of North America by resourcing other church plants in strategic areas across the United States.
- TORONTO FOCUS – Begin a significant investment in a new catalytic church plant reaching the people of Pickering, Ajax and Scarborough, Ontario.
- Staffing – Identify a church planter and schedule a vision trip for location scouting and partner consultation.
- Research – Clarify the focus of the mission strategy by gathering demographic and psychographic data from Canadian sources.
- Partnership – Identify partners and sponsors to be included in the Toronto church planting strategy.
- Covenant – Develop a covenant agreement between the church plant and CFBC to clarify the relationship between the 2 churches. Outline expectations including financial support from the parent church, the doctrine of the church plant, leader lifestyles and other relevant issues.
- Training – Provide training and resources for the church planting team.
- Prayer – Develop a prayer support strategy at CFBC to undergird the church plant.
- Church Planting Center – Determine the feasibility of becoming a church planting center. Benchmark with other churches and determine the feasibility of cooperation with local and national partners (NAMB, TBC and MSBA). Determine financial and personnel resources needed for this initiative.
- NEW ORLEANS MISSION TRIP – Send a mission team to minister to the people of New Orleans through church and home construction, and a verbal witness (March 8-14, 2010).
- ARIZONA NAVAJO MISSION TRIP – Send a mission team to minister to the Navajo people in Arizona through church construction, personal evangelism and a children’s Bible camp (June 4-14, 2010).
- STUDENT MISSION SERVE – Send a student mission team to minister to the people of Lake Providence, Louisiana through church construction, personal evangelism and student Bible studies (July 17-24, 2010). Set the goal of 35 students serving on the mission team.
- NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS SUPPORT – Support North American Mission Board (NAMB) evangelism efforts in North America.
- Prayer – Ask God’s 300 Prayer Teams to pray for specific NAMB prayer requests through their monthly prayer E-newsletter.
- Funding – Support NAMB evangelism efforts with 3% of budget receipts and 30% of world mission offering receipts.
- Volunteers – Send 5 North America teams on mission in 2010. Set the goal of 50 persons serving on North America missions teams.
Reach the unreached, unengaged Lingayat people group in southern India with indigenous missions efforts aimed at starting new churches and training ministry leaders. Reach other parts of the world with targeted missions efforts.
- UUPG FOCUS – Reach the unreached, unengaged Lingayat people group in southern India with indigenous missions efforts.
- New Churches
- Leader Training
- CENTRAL ASIA MISSION TRIP – Send a mission team to minister to college students in Central Asia through gospel tract distribution and personal evangelism (March 6-13, 2010).
- SOUTH AMERICA MISSION TRIP – Send a mission team to minister to churches in South America through Bible studies, community ministry and personal evangelism (March 11-20, 2010).
- EUROPE MISSION TRIP – Send a gospel music team to Paris, France during the annual Fête de la Musique to minister through musical performance, gospel tract distribution and verbal witnessing efforts (June 18-25, 2010).
- AFRICA MISSION TRIP – Send a mission team to minister to people groups in Africa through Bible studies, medical missions and personal evangelism (September 17-25, 2010).
- EAST ASIA MISSION TRIP – Send a mission team to minister to junior high students in East Asia through classroom presentations, gospel tract distribution and a verbal witness (November 11-19, 2010).
- INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS SUPPORT – Support International Mission Board (IMB) evangelism efforts around the world.
- Prayer – Ask God’s 300 Prayer Teams to pray for specific international missions prayer requests through their monthly prayer E-newsletter.
- Funding – Support IMB evangelism efforts with 3% of budget receipts and 50% of world mission offering receipts.
- Volunteers – Send 10 international teams on mission in 2010. Set the goal of 75 persons serving on international missions teams.